Our Work
Created in 2014, the Southern Maine Workforce Initiative (SMWI) is a collective impact collaborative that builds on the existing work and experience of community organizations and connects with the public workforce system to create a dual-customer pipeline aligning with the needs of jobseekers and employers. To achieve this, the SMWI identifies sector-specific opportunities for sustainable employment, engages employers for input into the core and occupational skills required for increased employment of jobseekers with barriers to employment, provides individuals with barriers the skills and supports necessary to enter into the identified pathways, and provides employers with access to qualified jobseekers.
The SMWI Stakeholders craft “bridges” to address the workforce challenges identified through careful review of labor market information and employer feedback, client/jobseeker surveys, partner agencies’ institutional knowledge, and existing and potential workforce service and training grant funding in Southern Maine.
Bridge to CDA (Child Development Associate) and CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Program
Watch this video to hear from program participants.
Note: The video references “Greater Portland Workforce Initiative,” which was the former name of SMWI.